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4 Best Bookkeeping Practices for Successful Businesses

Bookkeeping Practices

There are no limits on who can become a great entrepreneur; everyone can start their beautiful and challenging journey on their own. And for that, a bunch of money in the bank or even business experience is needed to start something that could become the next major success in future. However, you do need a strong plan and the drive to see it through what going on behind.

There are lots of things you have to do to run and manage your business and it is not like a one-person involved. However you can, but chances are that you may need someone who can keep a sort of records like harmonized sales taxes, workplace safety insurance payroll, prepare journals, ledgers, and compliance reports and schedules to make your business run smoothly without hiccups.

Now everything is set up quite perfectly to run your business, but many a time bookkeeping – which is one of the fundamental origins that keep track and monitors the business aspects, often ends up at the bottom of the list.

Business owner and entrepreneur like to think forward, plan to implement change in real-time and having a bookkeeper is a one step ahead and a game changer. Look, whatever business you want to run or already running, without bookkeeping don’t think that things will move into the right direction. If you having that kind of mindset, better evaluate and be aware because after that, things will be in chaos and revert is quite impossible.

We compiled 4 best bookkeeping practices for you which in today’ world necessary to keep your business run in a flow

Separate business:

Now for instance, if you, or your employees, are buying things for personal use with business funds, do you think that it is a good idea to implement as it will quickly cause cash flow issues, and tax filing and auditing complications? And it is better not to ever make a mistake of incorporating business with your expenses. If done, then in the long-term, it will make bookkeeping much harder and creates chaos.

Make review habit:

Being busy in handling business is a good thing, but not having a glance on where your money is going or went each week can put you in confusion or in a dilemma state. If not controlled, in no time can quickly cause cash flow issues.

To ease and help you mitigate financial stress down the road, bookkeeper recommends weekly expense review using Quick-books which is only not smarter in making a simple transparent report to review your expenses but also keep track of what income came in that week and how it process.

Time for paperless:

21st century is all about technology and it is not a smart step to implement paper books in keeping records these days as it acts as a pile that puts loads on managing and updating stuff. Without implementing a solid core foundation of accounting systems like Quick-books or cloud-based expense technologies, daily bookkeeping tasks will put a major strain on your ass and time. And professional bookkeeper often recommends using it as it saves time and efforts and can give you a portal glance of your financial histories.

Consult Bookkeeper Regularly:

Keep a list of your second thoughts or back-office questions on a regular basis with a professional bookkeeper and it is not a good idea to consult only just at tax time to get relevant answers and advice because maybe, later on, this also puts you at risk if you are ever audited by the IRS and having a hectic moment, not every businessperson wishes for. So, keeping an eye on your bookkeeper ensures you are always tax-ready and will also help you avoid major money pitfalls that may create a burden on your shoulder.

Last but not least, the reason why bookkeeping is important because it allows the business owners to know exactly what is happening in their business with full transparency tracking reports. To make your business progresses in an exceptional way, you must know how to play the numbers well like in the revenue and expenses and you cannot afford to miss out on.

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Having a Business, why don’t you hire a Bookkeeper?


Every company or business has a mission and once it is sorted out or vision are tweaked, then big tycoons faced with the issue of implementing the new plan and sometimes that requires extensive help from accountants or bookkeepers.

For the purposes of controlling business, the following will serve as why having a bookkeeping services is vital organ for your business.

According to us, Bookkeepers are a rare breed of individuals, and are used by every organization’s – known for their skills for the recording and managing of financial transactions, and is basically the part of the process of accounting in business. But if they do not possess superior skills, they can drop a corporation in a very quick order and guess what things are messed.

Therefore, this person is vitally important to any organization and if you are wishing to have a more than one, then this is overall good just for the bright future in the world of business.

Now, what duties they actually offer us to surf the business with ease, let’s find out:

  • Maintenance of Basic Accounting Records
  • Handling the Invoices of Vendors and Customers
  • Balancing the Cheque books and Reconciling Bank Statement
  • Maintenance of Payroll Records and Payroll Files
  • Maintenance of Receivable Accounts
  • Making Relevant Ledger Entries
  • Preparation of Sales Tax Reports
  • Prints Preserved Financial Reports and Statements

Well, there are a lot more and it surely depends upon what kind of business you are having. If you are having a small business, still there is a chance that you require bookkeeping and it’s better to hire one for your business.

If you want us to do bookkeeping for your new or existing business, H&T Accounting services offer premium bookkeeping and accounting services in Mississauga, Toronto.

No matter what your business says or what kinds of services you are serving we have everything to provide you with every record where our professional’s accountants use standard working techniques to prepare journals, ledgers, and compliance reports and schedules and a much more for you.

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Ask yourself why you need to hire Bookkeeping Experts for Business Accounting Management?

Starting a business sincerely require extraordinary enthusiasm, passion and pursuance, and after you’ve legally registered your business, you’ll need someone professional accountants who can lean on when making day to day Accounting and Financial Management decisions in Mississauga. It is something like you have to learn from it or hire a professional accountant when you are running a business.

For business people, Accounting Services is seriously a crucial part of any successful business, as it increasingly requires managing all the decisions that are highly relevant to both business and owners for Business Startups.

The records are all your accounting documents and these documents must be organized differently to simplify things over time with us.

However, controlling business is a never-ending process as it is coupled up with increasing to-do lists.

Your Bookkeeping services can be simple or complex depending on the nature of business. But when you choose to hire someone, you still need to be well organized.

Ask yourself whether you need bookkeeper or not

Strong foundation:

Bookkeeping practices are no doubt the strong foundation of every successful business startups, and surely, accounting should be your preferred responsibility if you want to build a strong financial foundation for your business. It could save you time, money and frustration in all aspects simultaneously.

Manage your financials accounting status with us to ensures that your records are perpetually up-to-date whether it is for tax preparation, loan reviews or other business needs.

Track performance:

Poor bookkeeping is apparently disastrous as we know if it is not done properly or in an efficient manner, but having professional accountants can save you from all of them, as it helps you make the right decision in an attempt to avoid improperly keeping financial records.

Be organized:

Staying organized is the most critical step to be efficient and accurate in accounting since it organizes your business accounting records when determining what to preserve and how to quickly find information when you need it. The business generates paperwork and that quite obvious, but it becomes overwhelming when it is not under control.

With us, you can keep track of accurate sales, tax and expenses into our records as they occur.

Be on time with CRA:

One of the reasons why it is necessary to carry out the accounting of your business is for compliance with the CRA. Whatever records we are creating or managing regarding any business, they are the real authority to examine you.

For this reason, hiring the bookkeeping experts makes sense so that they can help you avoid fines and penalties for late payments.

Take advantage of upcoming future opportunities and be updated on sales and income tax with our and also on the cash your business will demand throughout the month, quarter and year.

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Bookkeeping Services

Why Bookkeepers use Bookkeeping for Accounting Management System?

In the context of business, bookkeeping services is required for the foundation of the business organization accounting system where Bookkeepers are liable for recording, analyzing and maintaining the financial transactions of the respective business firm properly and systematically. Purchases, sales, receipts, and payments transact by an individual or an organization is one of those transactions.


In day-to-day basis, recording of the financial transactions and relevant information about business has become necessary. It clarifies that the existing records of the business individual financial transactions are accurate, up-to-date and authentic.


Top 5 Bookkeeping Tips:


Keeping assets separate:

Incorporate business affairs, always try to secure your business finances in a separate place because the business is viewed as a separate legal entity. Thus, keeping your business finances isolated reduces your legal liabilities and helps you manage your tax and business bills more efficiently.


Filing tax compliance reports timely:

Taxpayers generally get issued notices due to delay in filing an income tax return, calculation errors or not reporting income correctly and so on. File your ITR using the correct tax return to avoid getting legal notice of faulty return or levy of charges.


Organize your records:

Records are all your accounting records and other financial information documents. Always plan a method for handling all your paperwork reports by entering your bookkeeping data in batches of records so that you can actively manage where the cash is flowing from.


Audit your tax records:

A tax audit defense examines your company’s financial records to verify its accuracy. Try to keep all your receipts at the place where it needs to be kept, no matter how small or big the amount is; also make sure whether they are worth legible or not. Deposit your cash into the business in such a way that in future you can prove what was taxable and what the loan was.


Don’t run business into debt:

No cash to cover up the expenses? Try to run your business on your existing cash flow and figure out where to cut down your expenses and also not to offer any sort of credit to your existing customers as it helps you save some much amount of money for your future business.


At H&T, we offer premium bookkeeping and accounting services for businessperson to prepare journals, ledgers, and compliance reports or schedules for your firm in Mississauga, Toronto.

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How Can an Accounting Professional Help You for Your Tax Return!

An accountant is an expertise who will provide you assistance to manage your business accounts and maximize profit to every bit. They can prove out to be gold gem for your business as they can help you get the maximum of tax returns which otherwise would not have been possible. All you have to do is choose the right accountant who would cater to your business needs and work to provide you the maximum business profit as if working for his own.

No matter if your business is small scale or large scale; you must choose an accountant to get the maximum tax returns. An accounting professional can help you for your tax return in the under mentioned ways:

  • The accountants help you minimize the deductions in your tax returns

Accounting professionals are expertise who knows ways to minimize the deduction in tax returns and minimizing deductions implies that you can get maximum profits with you. The deductions can be minimized in form of MIDs which is also known as Missing Information and Documents. Accountants are return experts who would make every possible effort to cut the deductions in tax returns. MID can also help to maximize tax credits which means taking returns to a new level.

  • Eliminate the errors in tax returns

Many times in registering the documents or bookkeeping there is a scope that there are errors in tax returns. Accountants take time to check these documents in depth so that each of your tax return documents is prepared error free. Eliminating of errors and mistakes would help you maximize tax returns and ultimately profit.

  • Prevent audits from occurring

An accountant reduced the chances of audit triggering which otherwise is difficult to perform. An accountant expert in his domain would make an effort to increment your tax return every year and not try to keep it same. An expert accountant would create timely audit trails in order to maintain your records in an ordered fashion.

  • Accountants are experts who would help you plan and strategize tax returns

If you hire an accountant at the beginning of the session it would certainly help you be with maximum profits throughout the year. He would be the one who would take all the important tax decisions and would even provide you beneficial advices at every step. You can take your business to new heights with expertise accountant’s help.

  • The key areas that can fetch you Tax returns

The tax returns are not confined one single factor rather a number of areas can be summed to get maximum returns. An accountant has knowledge about these areas and would help you get returns from these areas. Some of the major tax return areas on which an accountant works is Charity annual returns, corporate tax returns, IT professional’s tax returns, investment income returns, commission earners tax returns etc. An accountant would cater to all these areas and get all the benefits for you.

Tax returns should not be an ignored section instead should be taken with proper care and maximizing tax saving plan can help you perform a lot better in your business and maximize your profit to every bit. An expert accountant is aware of all the tax saving plans and choosing an accountant would be a wise decision.

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Taxpayer relief measures for Canadians hit by disasters

The Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of National Revenue, today highlighted that Canadians who have been affected by devastating weather conditions can apply for relief from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) if they are having difficulty meeting their tax obligations because of extreme weather events.

“Our Government understands that severe weather events can prevent Canadians from meeting their tax obligations. Recently, Canadians from several regions, including British Columbia, the Yukon, and Saskatchewan, have had to rebuild because of events such as flooding and severe wind,” said Minister Shea. “The taxpayer relief provisions ensure that all Canadians receive fair tax treatment, while they are recovering from the damage resulting from natural catastrophes.”

All Canadians have access to the CRA’s taxpayer relief measures and will be considered for relief if they miss a payment or filing deadline because their lives were disrupted by uncontrollable weather events, including forest fires caused by lightning strikes, tornadoes, flooding, landslides and hurricanes.

The taxpayer relief provisions use a balanced approach to help taxpayers to resolve tax issues that arise through no fault of their own. Under these provisions, any taxpayer can apply to the CRA to have interest and/or penalties waived or cancelled in situations where they are unable to file a tax return and/or make a payment on time due to a natural disaster or other extraordinary circumstances beyond their control.. The CRA will consider these requests on a case-by-case basis.

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What is a Lien?

A lien is a legal document filed by a creditor (lender) in order to record its claim on the debtor’s (borrower’s) property. The lien is recorded at a government’s office. The lien provides a creditor with some protection or collateral until the debtor pays the creditor the amount owed.Here are three examples of liens:

1. A bank may lend a retailer $50,000 but one of the conditions is that the bank will file a lien on the retailer’s inventory. In this situation the bank’s lien results in its loan becoming secured.

2. A mortgage is a lien filed by a lender in order to secure the lender’s long-term real estate loan. The lien will require that the lender be paid the amount owed on the loan before the real estate can be transferred to another party.

3. The government may file a lien on a company’s assets until a tax obligation has been paid.

A lien on a company’s assets is to be disclosed in the company’s financial statements.

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